
8:55:53 AM: Morning everyone – getting ready for the Live Keynote about Windows Phone from the Mobile World Congress in Spain.

8:56:14 AM: You can also watch the live stream of the keynote at

8:59:45 AM: There has been a lot of info leaked over the last couple of weeks including the Windows Phone Blog –

9:00:59 AM: Well this was supposed to begin at 9:00 AM Eastern Time but it is already late. Nice music playing though on the stream :-)

9:06:42 AM: Looking at pictures from the live blog of Tom Warren and Long Zheng and it is a really small room for the Windows Phone Press Conference.

9:08:05 AM: OK music has stopped on the live stream.

9:08:51 AM: Well they are playing a different music now – might be getting started shortly. Still the Windows Phone graphic up though on screen.

9:10:13 AM: You can find Long’s and Tom’s live blog at

9:11:33 AM: Here we go Steve Ballmer being introduced.

9:12:44 AM: The phone he has in his hand looks pretty thick.

9:13:12 AM: Joe Belfiore is on stage to show off the phone. 20 years at Microsoft. VP of Windows Phone

9:14:12 AM: So it is the Windows Phone Series as a brand name.

9:14:42 AM: Discussing how they have watched the UI’s not keep up with the abilities they had (phones that is).

9:15:32 AM: Build a phone that could reflect the users need and desires. Bring it all together to allow the user to see it/use it.

9:15:56 AM: I guess that was a remote control not a phone :-)

9:16:05 AM: Video demo of the interface now.

9:17:05 AM: Zune on it, Rich Contact info, Xbox Live Integration.

9:17:59 AM: The interface looked very smooth.

9:18:48 AM: Smart Design – Hardware and software work in unison how people want it.

9:19:33 AM: All Windows Phones will have 3 buttons on the front, Windows, Search and Back. Capacitive touch enabled devices.

9:20:04 AM: Interface will focus on what is important to the individual with dynamic changes based on where your at and what your doing.

9:20:23 AM: Windows Phones should be delightful and engaging.

9:20:56 AM: Demoing prototype device.

9:21:18 AM: Live tiles on main page (Start Page) that are connected to Internet and update live.

9:21:48 AM: People Tab updates social media, exchange contacts live.

9:22:23 AM: Pictures Tile, Calendar Tiles, Xbox Tile, Favorite Contacts Tile. All update live on the tile.

9:23:00 AM: Automatic customization as well as personalization by you.

9:23:20 AM: Applications on live tiles, playlists for music on tiles.

9:24:20 AM: Calendar can be shown in multiple views and multiple calendars integrated together (Live, Exchange).

9:24:54 AM: Functionality toolbar at bottom of each screen/interface.

9:25:59 AM: Streamlined updates that do not require cut, paste, copy, etc.

9:27:09 AM: Multi touch on the Windows Phone is same as on Windows 7.

9:27:38 AM: His battery icon is flashing – hope he is not going to lose power :-)

9:28:05 AM: Bing search and maps integrated.

9:28:31 AM: Phone knows where you are and helps with local searches without having to provide lots of info.

9:29:19 AM: I am quite impressed with how fast the UI seems during this demo.

9:29:41 AM: Reviews are brought in from Yelp and other partners for info on the Bing search/maps.

9:29:19 AM: I am quite impressed with how fast the UI seems during this demo.

9:29:41 AM: Reviews are brought in from Yelp and other partners for info on the Bing search/maps.

9:30:48 AM: Browser is based on desktop IE code.

9:31:01 AM: IE is also multi touch enabled through the interface.

9:31:37 AM: Wow the clarity on the interface is good – clear type as you zoom way in. Sub Pixel Positioning (advancement on Clear Type).

9:30:48 AM: Browser is based on desktop IE code.

9:31:01 AM: IE is also multi touch enabled through the interface.

9:32:50 AM: Showing off Outlook and how they integrate work and personal stuff together.

9:33:23 AM: Works just like Outlook on the desktop and works on a cache set of data on the phone if connectivity is not available.

9:33:52 AM: Delete is much easier than current version of Outlook on Windows Mobile. Multiple selections on the screen.

9:35:01 AM: Discussing integrated experiences now. Destinations for common tasks, organizes.

9:35:40 AM: Getting to discussion about People Tiles and how they come together on the Windows Phone.

9:36:20 AM: People Hub – bring together the most common tasks when you interact with your contacts.

9:36:38 AM: Includes people from your Windows Live Contacts as well.

9:37:22 AM: What’s New Feed – updates from all streams in one place.

9:38:04 AM: I like that – pan over on the contact page and see what’s new with that person right there.

9:38:23 AM: He did mention with sources that connect through Windows Live. Wonder if that is a limitation?

9:39:22 AM: Pictures Hub. See my stuff, the stuff I took recently and what is new with my friends.

9:40:02 AM: What’s new feed here as well for updated pictures from your stream.

9:40:53 AM: Add your social media account once and it integrates into all the various hubs which it can provide info to. Very cool!

9:41:53 AM: Talking about Productivity – great for business users as well as individuals.

9:42:25 AM: I think I see the theme here – bringing in Office Hub.

9:43:32 AM: Integrated note taking that also syncs with your PC if you use One Note. Data moves between each device in all the Office programs.

9:44:32 AM: Music and Video Hub. Zune is in there; streaming capabilities;

9:44:46 AM: Every Windows Phone will be a Zune HD as well.

9:45:20 AM: 3rd Party Apps can be integrated to bring additional services to the hub for music and video.

9:46:36 AM: Not necessary to have a PC to get all the functionality on the Windows Phone. It does enhance the experience though.

9:46:54 AM: So Zune Software is to Windows Phone as iTunes is to iPhone?

9:47:53 AM: Common functionality between the Windows Phone and your PC.

9:48:09 AM: Games Hub coming up. Xbox Live integration, service and games.

9:49:33 AM: Games Tile. Spotlight announces new games, services. You can see this for friends as well and what they have done.

9:49:54 AM: Games on the phone, PC and console will all tie together and provide gamerscore, achievements, etc.

9:50:44 AM: The phone becomes a unique and intimate experience of the individual.

9:51:14 AM: I am very impressed with this phone and the interface and software.

9:51:49 AM: Great video about using apps one at a time on a phone instead of working together like Windows Phone Series will.

9:52:53 AM: This not a new chapter in the smart phone – it is a new beginning – Windows Phone Series.

9:53:52 AM: Designed for a Life in Motion.

9:55:00 AM: Steve Ballmer back on stage and talking about how they got to Windows Phone.

9:55:48 AM: Consistent design experience throughout the Window’s Phone Series.

9:56:47 AM: Lots of discussion at next month’s MIX Conference about Windows Phone development.

9:57:29 AM: Gizmodo just posted some video of the phone in action from the press conference –

9:58:50 AM: Discussing the variety of form factors they are looking at for hardware but the software experience will be consistent across phones.

9:59:19 AM: Windows Phone Series is expected "Holidays 2010"

10:00:54 AM: Andy Lees coming out to talk about partnerships that are in place and those that are coming. Sr VP Mobile Communications at MS.

10:01:45 AM: Partners fundamental to our business. Add specific expertise, expands scale, increases customer choice.

10:02:18 AM: Just for clarification the software is called Windows Phone Series – not Windows 7 Mobile.

10:03:03 AM: Have changed how we work with partners. Goal is to improve all aspects of experience.

10:03:53 AM: Hardware Partners – full page of companies. Hardware and software optimization across the brand.

10:04:32 AM: Qualcomm, LG, HTC, HP, Dell, Sony Ericson, Garmin, Samsung

10:04:56 AM: Toshiba is on that list as well.

10:05:29 AM: No phones being shown today from partners :-(

10:07:12 AM: Mobile operators at launch: T-Mobile, Orange, Telecom Italia, Telstra, Sprint, AT&T, Telefonica, Vodafone – may have missed one or two

10:08:27 AM: AT&T was first operator to introduce Windows Mobile on smart phones in the US back in 2002 or so.

10:09:04 AM: Actually that is 2003 for AT&T. They are the premier partner for Windows Phone Launch.

10:09:34 AM: Verizon is also an operator for the launch. Real worldwide launch for this.

10:10:16 AM: Hmm he is also saying Windows 7 Phone Series – I wonder which is right?

10:10:55 AM: Orange is on stage – European company.

10:11:51 AM: Customers in 34 countries for Orange.

10:14:00 AM: From Mashable: New App Store Alliance coming together for Windows Phone Series –

10:14:39 AM: So even Steve Ballmer is saying Windows 7 Phone – I guess that is the term to be used.

10:15:19 AM: I am looking forward to seeing what comes from the demos they have set up for the attendee’s to check out.

10:16:07 AM: Steve Ballmer says plan is to have phones in market by Holiday 2010 as I wrote earlier.

10:16:54 AM: It sounds like things are wrapping up – great announcement and demo I thought.

10:17:50 AM: Thanks for joining the live blog on Windows Phone Series announcement. I am sure there is more to follow in the next few days and months.

Addendum: During the question and answer session afterwards Steve Ballmer confirmed there would be no Adobe Flash in initial release of Windows Phone Series but he did say “we would welcome it” :-)