
I decided about two weeks ago that since I had some terrific artwork from Corrina’s iPapers for the Observed Tech PODCAST that I would have some stickers made.

I have other peoples stickers on my netbook and laptop – why not have my sticker on others peoples stuff as well :-)


My former laptop which now belongs to my wife.

So I did some research and found a company called Printrunner.com who had some very decent pricing for vinyl stickers.  I placed the order on 23 Jan; received the electronic proof on 25 Jan and the shipment arrived at my door today – less than two weeks in total from start to finish. Very impressive – the stickers are very good quality and turned out terrific.

So I want to be able to share these stickers with you and maybe even get some pictures back of them being on your laptop or somewhere else safe.

Here is how it will work just send an email to stickers at windowsobserver dot com (make it like a real email address). I will then reply back with a mailing address that you can send a Self Addressed Stamp Envelope (S.A.S.E.) to and I will then return that to you with the sticker inside.

I am looking forward to hearing from everyone and sharing the stickers.