- Windows Live Community: Windows Live Alerts—have they fallen asleep?
- MSDN Blogs: How to capture network traffic with Microsoft Network Monitor
- Into Windows: Preme For Windows 7 Is A Must Have Free Enhancement Pack
- Techradar: EA Sports keep faith in Tiger Woods
- Mashable: Laser Tripwire Takes Pictures of Thieves, Tweets Them
- MSDN Blogs: Using the “secret” Windows 7 Problem Step Recorder to Create Step by Step Screenshot Documents
- MSDN Blogs: New Year, new learning opportunities: Microsoft IT Academy “License To Learn” Tour
- Mashable: Facebook Turns to the Crowd to Eradicate Offensive Content
- Google confirms plans to sell own mobile phone
- Mashable: Foursquare Goes Global: Now You Can Check in From Anywhere
- Gearlog: Technocell Launches Combined USB Charger and Battery
- Must admit it is a pretty slick and typically "Googlish" site for the Nexus One
- MSDN Blogs: Microsoft Project 2010 webcasts in January
- Mashable: Nexus One vs Droid vs iPhone [Comparison Chart]
- MSDN Blogs: Partner webcast: Best Practices for Upgrading Customers to Windows 7
- MSDN Blogs: Commercial Availability of Windows Azure Platform
- MSNBC: Msnbc.com acquires ‘Breakingnews.com’
- My Microsoft Life: Office 2010 Pricing and SKUs announced
- MSDN Blogs: Becoming a Program Manager @ Microsoft
- MSDN Blogs: How to get favorites listed when searching in the Start menu
- How To Geek: What is Mobsync.exe and Why Is It Running?
- Liveside: New Office 2010 pricing announced: Office Web Apps included
- MSDN Blogs: Partner Promotion Webcast covering multiple offers – Register today
- TechNet Flash: Registration is now open for the Microsoft Management Summit 2010
- MSDN Blogs: Surviving CES in Las Vegas: A few helpful hints
- MSDN Blogs: Surface welcomes 2010 with CES and NRF
- NeoWin.net: Gogo Wi-Fi charging Mac users more than Windows users?
- Mashable: Skype Coming to HDTVs for Video Calls from the Couch
- SeanDaniel.com: Windows Home Server Remote Access – Understanding ISP Blocking Ports
- Windows Blog: Making The Most Of Your New Windows 7 PC
- Mashable: Electronic Arts: Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online Still a Go
- NeoWIn.net: CES review kickoff: Gogo inflight Wi-Fi service
- How To Geek: How To Remove Antivirus Live and Other Rogue/Fake Antivirus Malware
- Crave: Existing T-Mobile customers won’t get the $180 price for the Nexus One
- MSDN Blogs: Samsung Blackjack II Annoyances
- MSDN Blogs: Desktop Integration and rich user experience with Windows 7
- MSDN Blogs: BizSpark Meetups
- Windows Blog: New Section Added to the Windows Volume Activation TechCenter on TechNet
- MSDN Blogs: There is yesterday and there is tomorrow but what happened to now?
- Windows Blog: A short history of Hotmail