I am not sure if this has been out for a while and I am just noticing it or maybe it was just quietly made available without a lot of fanfare but the folks at Twitter have turned on a new online interface to see the results of their new RT system.
If you take a look at your main menu at the Twitter.com website and check out the entry just above the search box you will see a new Retweets menu item. Clicking on that will take you to this tabbed interface:
As you can see there are three new tabs below the What’s Happening text box. The shot above shows retweets that are sent by those you follow.
This shot shows the tweets that you have retweeted.
The last tab shows your tweets that have been retweeted by others.
Now this only shows retweets that are done using the new Twitter retweet method. Any that you do with your own RT or editing do not show up here. Personally I like finally having a way to see what stuff is being retweeted with this new method. That was my major heartburn with the new process when it first came out.
Now with applications like Tweetdeck and Seesmic Desktop incorporating the new retweet method and this new online interface to see what has been retweeted it might become even more popular.
One note for @seesmic and @tweetdeck – can we get an update to your applications that allow us to review this data through the apps instead of online through a web browser?