Wow – one of the longest lasting beta’s I have been a part of is coming to a close based on the email I received this morning:
Dear Woopra user,
Hello, and on behalf of everyone here at Woopra, we hope you’re having a great day!
This is just a quick note to let you know that we have some very important news to share with you regarding the Woopra service. Today we announced that the Woopra Beta will be ending soon, and the end of this program will affect all users.
Our CEO, John Pozadzides, issued a video and blog post to explain what you can expect, and we invite you to spend a few minutes learning about the changes that are coming. You can find the blog post here:
Thanks so much for being part of our fantastic Beta testing community!
Your friendly Woopra Team
I got my first invite into the Woopra beta back in April of 2008 – 17 months ago! I believe the program actually started about two years ago in a closed beta.
One aspect of this shift for Woopra is that there will be a fee structure introduced for the service based on monthly page views. During the beta all accounts were limited to 10,000 page views per day – as you can see by the chart below those limits will be different based on the level you choose to pay for the service.
The two years of development have been accomplished through personal funding – no venture capital or anything like that. The business model has been a fee for service plan from early on.
Here are the suggested fees that will be charged. This is not final by the way according to Woopra’s CEO.
Although I am no longer actively using Woopra for stats tracking I found it to be a decent service and brought some insight into traffic patterns at my site. I never did get any live site visitors to respond to a chat request though :-)