Here we go again – another product/service launch that makes heavy use of Direct Messages (DM’s) on Twitter and no Opt Out available (yet). @twables has a great application directory with five applications listed and the most recent one is Two Tweets and a Lie.
The premise behind the game is that you give two truths and one lie and then opt to send the challenge to your followers (defaults to 100 DM’s). They just launched on 17 June and already are getting a lot of traffic which you may be seeing in your DM’s now!
Again – I have to state that my issue is not with the game or the development of these types of services – it is with the blatant use of DM’s which, when unsolicited, are paramount to SPAM.
Developers of these types of services on Twitter need to plan an Opt Out immediately as part of the roll out or not use the DM’s as the method of spreading their game interaction. Either works for me and I am sure for many others on Twitter.
Now I have to give @twables credit – they are already planning their Opt Out for the service – good on them for the proactive response.
For all the other developers – please plan for that as part of the launch and stay out of our DM’s!