Google News Alert for: windows vista

Windows Vista to Mac switcher: ‘I’ll bet my blood pressure dropped
MacDailyNews – USA
I do use XP and Vista on several other machines, daily, and have since the advent of Windows; so I have the background to have a valid opinion," Popgun
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PC World

Turning Off Disk Defragmenter May Solve a Sluggish PC
PC World – USA
I even went so far as to wipe the hard drive and reload Windows (Vista x64, in case you were wondering), even though the system was barely a month old.
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New Microsoft Windows Licensing Aids Desktop Virtualization: Report
eWeek – New York, NY
That cost is still below the list price of $199.95 for Windows Vista Home Basic and XP Home, and $319.95 for Windows Vista Ultimate.
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Microsoft to Patch 2 Critical Vulnerabilities in Vista SP1 and XP SP3
Softpedia – Bucharest,Romania
By Marius Oiaga, Technology News Editor Microsoft is gearing up to patch a couple of Critical security vulnerabilities affecting Windows Vista Service Pack
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E-Mail Software Needs a Rewrite
Washington Post – United States
Its successor, Windows Mail, did not arrive until Windows Vista’s debut in January 2007. Vista’s replacement, Windows 7, won’t include it or any other mail
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Windows Windows/Vista/XP/2000 – Germany
One-click CD/DVD Copy läuft unter Windows Windows, Vista, XP, 2000, die Dateigröße beträgt 1,82 MByte und das letzte Update wurde am 9.
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Conficker flickers into life – Sydney,NSW,Australia
The Conficker worm exposes security holes in a range of Microsoft operating systems including Windows Vista and Windows XP. Reports are suggesting that
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Windows Windows/Vista/XP/Me/98/2000 – Germany
Easy DVD Clone läuft unter Windows Windows, Vista, XP, Me, 98, 2000, die Dateigröße beträgt 1,77 MByte und das letzte Update wurde am 8.
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Google Blogs Alert for: windows vista

Ruling delivers a big blow to Windows Vista Capable suit
Is this the last gasp for the Windows Vista Capable lawsuit? A federal judge this afternoon gave Microsoft a key victory in a case best known for disclosing internal company emails in which executives privately groused about the
TechFlash – Todd Bishop’s Microsoft Blog –

My Windows Vista Boot Time – Windows Opration System
By Live-Vista
My Windows Vista boot time. A response to TheComputerGuy96. Filmed on my Flip Video Ultra. Music by The Fray. …
Windows Opration System –

Vista Magazine for April : Windows Vista Weblog – News about
By Milo Riano
Issue 29 of Windows Vista: The Official Magazine is now available at your newsagents. Inside you will find out how to improve your PC, and comes wth a special free CD that offers the ultimate online privacy kit – worth £101!
Windows Vista Weblog –

Ruling delivers a big blow to Windows Vista Capable suit
The case targets the marketing program that Microsoft and PC makers rolled out to maintain sales of Windows XP computers during the 2006 holiday season, following the Redmond company’s decision to delay Windows Vista’s release.
TechFlash – Seattle’s Technology News –