Google News Alert for: windows vista

To: Windows Vista
ScienceBlogs – USA
In particular, when I change the "Windows Update" setting to something other than "Install updates and automatically restart any damn fool time you please,"
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RE[2]: Remember folks – USA
Windows Vista Ultimate can’t be justified when one looks at MacOS X or even a commercial Linux distribution like SLED 10. Possibly the question is which
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Windows Vista – faster adoption than XP?
Computerworld – Framingham,MA,USA
Another month, another Forrester Research report on Windows Vista. But wait! Rather than the negative spin of last month’s report, in which analyst Thomas
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Firefox To Get a Nag Screen For Upgrades
Slashdot – USA
Mozilla Firefox 3 for Windows requires Windows NT 5.0 or later. This currently includes Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Vista.
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A story about nothing, or Vista’s image problem personified
BetaNews – USA
That problem is due in large part to Windows Vista, and the public perception of it as somewhat less than the savior of modern computing that it was
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Computer World: kill these five features in Vista – Sydney,Australia
By Jonathan Schlaffer Windows Vista is perceived as an unreliable behemoth that requires the power of a supercomputer to run. When it was released that may
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Google Blogs Alert for: windows vista

Windows Vista Blog and Site Competition
By Milo
We invite you to participate in this first-of-a-kind Contest to Judge the Best Windows Vista Blog or Website. So if you run a blog or a website, which primarily focuses on Windows Vista, we invite you to submit your Blog Title,
Windows Vista Weblog –

Make your Windows Vista Pc Run Faster With Window Vista Registry
By Perfect Domain(Perfect Domain)
Staring from the earliest version, till the Latest Windows Vista, each and every version of Windows operating system has unique ways of keeping the registry. So, to keep the registry of your Windows Vista PC clean you need a Window –

Why Is Windows Vista Slower Than Windows XP?
By Perfect Domain(Perfect Domain)
Upgrading system memory as high as your budget will allow is recommended, although anything higher than 4GB with the 32-bit version of Windows Vista is pointless, as it will generally only recognise around 3.5GB of the installed memory. –

Microsoft Windows XP – Second Edition Instead Of Vista?
By Ron Schenone
Some where, someone made mention that Microsoft should of considered a Second Edition to Windows XP instead of releasing Windows Vista. Interesting observation. Or is it? If anyone remembers, Windows 98 had a Second Edition [Gold],
The Blade by Ron Schenone, MVP –