
Welcome to Episode 81. We missed a show last week because I was attending the annual Microsoft MVP Summit in Bellevue/Redmond, WA so I kick this episode off talking a little bit about that experience and travelling with my Microsoft Surface RT for the first time.  I then tell you about an awesome power pack accessory for your Nokia Lumia 920 called the Brando Powerpack and then talk about all the Microsoft stuff that is being picked for readers choice awards at Engadget and Digixav.

Other items we cover include the pros and cons of using Microsoft Surface Pro’s in your small/medium size business, new wireless accessories coming out of MVC 2013, the growth of the Windows Phone Store and new features from Microsoft’s Channel 9 to show off Windows Phone features and Windows 8 Apps.  I spend some time gushing over the new official Twitter app for Windows Phone and talking about how Microsoft technologies are finding a purpose trackside with some of NASCAR’s racing teams.  There are also mentions of Windows and Windows Phone Blue and what that means for OS updates on the two platforms for Microsoft.

This past week also saw the release of Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 and the reality of the fact that it is not available for Windows Vista and XP users making for another good reason to upgrade to a more recent OS.

We have several other items we discuss which you can see in the show links and we wrap up with the importance of a Microsoft Account to tie together all of the products and services you use under the Microsoft brand.

Enjoy the show and as always thanks for listening!

All of this episodes show links are available at our WiKi – Show Links: Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 81

Date Produced: 28 February 2013

Length: 47:06

Format: MP3, 128KBPS

Size: 43.2MB

This PODCAST is a proud member of the TechPodcast Network.


WindowsObserver.com Observed Tech PODCAST